
I am a UX/UI Designer who is specialized in delivering high quality and usable interactive experiences, wireframes, inspiring designs, and User Experience studies for mobile, tablet and desktop applications.
I have an extensive twenty-three years’ Experience of the UX studies and design, including facilitation of workshops, graphic design, planning, conceptualization, prototyping, front-end technologies, development, and implementation of User Interfaces.

Currently, I work as a Senior UX Manager at the Qt Company, designing applications for designers and developers to work together more effectively. In previous engagements I dealt with maritime application design at NAPA, mentoring other designers and developers.
I have also worked as a consultant at Avanade Australia for 3 years, lived in Australia for 9 years, and gained extensive international experience.

In the comics section you can find some artwork made by me in the area of comics.

I love design, usability, art, drawing, computer games, comics, illustrations and coding.

As a hobby, I create computer games on my spare time. To find out more, check some posts in this site, or the games team site: https://www.wondernoir.com/

Mobile/User Interface design/development skills

Areas of Expertise User Experience Programming CMS Systems/Platforms
User Interface & creative design Wireframe & prototype creation HTML 4 & 5, CSS2 & 3, LESS, SASS/SCSS, JavaScript, jQuery, XAML Drupal, WordPress
Web/Mobile Application design – iOS, Android, Windows 8 User testing & research Flash – AS1&2 Sitecore CMS
Brand, logo & icon design Web standards (W3C) Frameworks: Zurb Foundation, Twitter Bootstrap, jQuery Mobile JekyllCMS
Interaction Design Information Architecture Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) RadiantCMS

Microsoft Specific Skills

  • Architecture & design of Windows 8 desktop and tablet applications
  • Architecture & design of Windows 8 Phone applications

Other Skills

  • Hybris eCommerce solutions
  • Art Direction
  • 3D animations (3DS MAX, Blender, Autodesk Fusion 360, 3D Coat)
  • 3D Printing
  • Adobe After Effects & Premiere video editing

UX Leadership

Conceptualizing and running a project to find product market fit

Leading Napa UX design

UX and UI design creation and execution throughout Napa software products

Ownership of design language and UI style of Napa

Translating customer needs into UI concepts

People Management

NAPA developing NAPA UX Academy and mentoring a team of designers

Smilehouse & Tieto CEM Commerce UX/UI/Front end team lead

Avanade Career Manager

SeaLink – graphical & web design department lead

Eniro Finland localisation lead/Art Director

Web application UI/UX Design & front-end code

Retail Industry

Heikki worked as a User Experience/User Interface Designer and a Front End Developer.

On this project, he designed and built front-end code for a tablet-based solution to order fresh produce products and manage inventory for one of the largest retail companies in Australia.

He facilitated user testing, designed, and coded prototypes and wireframes for tests and workshops – after successful reception, he coded HTML, CSS and jQuery animated elements for production. The project was delivered using Agile methodology.

Sitecore UI/UX Design & front-end code

Healthcare Industry

Heikki worked as a User Experience and User Interface Designer on a Sitecore CMS based Knowledge Management System project.

He facilitated user testing, built prototypes and wireframes for tests and workshops. He was also responsible of front-end HTML, CSS and jQuery code for production.

Windows 8 phone application design

Retail Industry

Heikki worked as a User Experience Architect responsible of Interaction design for a Windows 8 Phone application.

He designed wireframes for an application that will be a conversion from existing iOS and Android applications to Windows 8 platform.

Windows 8 application design

Financial & Real Estate Services

Heikki worked as a User Experience Architect on Windows 8 projects.

He was responsible for the architecture and interaction design of the applications.

He was also a member of the larger Avanade Windows 8 Enterprise Studio Team, inputting into the overall Solution Design of the project.

User Experience Studies

Retail industry

Heikki conducted User Experience studies at a major retailer’s stores.

Heikki gathered up requirements, interviewed several stakeholders and subject matter experts.

He complemented the findings using Contextual Interview techniques with users, which all resulted the Senior Management to have more in-depth understanding of the usability of their technical tools, which were used for inventory purposes.

Information Architecture, Wireframe Creation & User Interface Design – Mobile

Telecommunications operator & Financial Services

Heikki worked as a Senior Experience Designer on two projects designing a jQuery Mobile based interface for a CRM system. Heikki gathered up requirements, created a sitemap/wireframes and user flows. Heikki created a prototype of the applications and facilitated User Experience workshops. He then refined designs based on the workshops’ output. He created the graphical style of the applications and after the initial design and style had been established, he directed offshore designers to follow his lead.

User Interface Design

Online Marketing

Heikki worked as a User Experience Designer on a project based on Agile methodology. Heikki gathered up requirements, designed wireframes and High Fidelity graphics. This included a heuristic evaluation of the existing Web Application and resulted several usability improvements that could be made to enhance the application’s User Experience.

Heikki also worked on User Experience studies planning tests, and creating test materials.

Logotype Design, User Interface Design & Development

Travel and hospitality

Heikki worked as a Lead Designer creating graphical guidelines, logotypes and branding for several online and offline brands.

He facilitated user testing and analysis of the Web Applications, he designed wireframes and high-end graphics, developed the front-end code for several websites. He provided strategies to utilise social media on internet applications.

Heikki was responsible of the Art Direction and visual consistency of all project websites and graphic applications in the Asia-Pacific region. Heikki also edited several videos for marketing purposes.

Information Architecture, Wireframe Creation & User Interface Design – Desktop

Automotive & Fashion industry

Heikki worked as a Senior Designer and designed and developed several websites for leading Automotive and Fashion manufacturers, wine regions and magazines.

Heikki designed wireframes, graphics, Flash animations and managed the creative process with stakeholders.

He was responsible of development of the front end code – HTML, CSS, Flash and JavaScript. This involved also design of banner campaigns, prototypes, Point-Of-Sale systems design, 3D animations.

Art Direction

Online & Offline Marketing

Heikki was responsible of the visual consistency of all online and offline marketing material for an Online and Offline Marketing company. He designed graphical guidelines for user interfaces of websites and major web portals.

Heikki planned localisations of graphic applications and designed Business-to-Business and Business-to-Individual online solutions to follow guidelines. Heikki designed effective online and offline marketing campaigns that generated cost savings and higher revenue.