Dancing dude

I created a dancing dude for a party out of the character I made earlier. At the party, this was projected on the wall and on screens while I was playing records.

For this I used the 3D model, I created earlier, and added in Mixamo bones and some breakdance animations. Imported those into Unity and built an app out of it. Recorded a video of the application. Definitely, not the most straightforward way to do this, but had very little time, and it did the trick.

One4 logotype

As we have now cemented the name of the game, I started to create a logo, which is used in multiple places inside the game and on advertising.


First I made some sketches. My current favourite tool for this is a Remarkable tablet.

Draft versions

I designed the logo further using Affinity Designer. I started the design work on a grid, using blocks of similar size. I then added some rounded corners to certain places.

To make it look more like blocks that we have in the game, I cut the logo to squares.

The team did not like too much of putting the number 4 in an angle, so I decided not to go much further with it. The team liked that we could use the game characters in the logo, and I set them up in it.

The final logo

Instead of using the characters, I ended up replacing them with symbolism.

I put the logo on the Title screen of the game. My next task will be to re-design some controls in this UI to make it work better. Now it is a bit busy.

New name: One4

This game project had a name: 3D Tick when we started. It is still visible somewhere in the Unity file system.

We then had a plan to use current pandemic as a setting, and changed the name to be Beat the Covid.

At some point, we did not feel that the decision is the right one, and we dropped the Covid out of it. -This way, we could have more variety in characters, that we may wish to introduce later into the game.

When we were putting this game into the Steam distribution platform, we found out that there were plenty of Beat me games already in it. Then we started to look for another name.

We ended up with One 4. The name symbolizes the row of four slots, you need to get to win.

Game clouds update & finalisation

After creating the marketing material, we in the development team found that more dramatic clouds are needed. We also decided to drop the interior and just leave the cloudy backdrop.

There is still some refinement to do with the slider design. These images also have some controls that are meant for the mobile version in the view.

Here’s the result