The main character color study
The main character color study
An excerpt of the transformation in the story of fat toilet.
A chapter – a zeppelin in the city
Some new characters for the Dangerland comic book. These guys will form a team…
He is not a footballer, actor, comedian, but a tough guy. He can go through this.
Some design slates of the Murky clouds sequence of the forthcoming Dangerland graphic novel.
An Adventure in icy surrounds. This is a quick draft of action sequence of forthcoming graphic novel: Dangerland. Some parts of the sequence are missing. Those will be added in later.
Some panels of my forthcoming King Luppa comic series.
This was a short story for the Christmas Greetings. Published as a animation.
My animation and interactive comic book. This was an attempt to create an interactive comic book in Adobe Flash. There were plans to make more comics based on these characters. Somehow I just forgot this project.
There was also Geoffadventures website until 2007. After Flash became less popular, I moved on to other means of working.